1-To-1 Laptop Program
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In a 1-to-1 laptop program all students in a classroom, grade, school, or district are provided laptop computers for use throughout the school day and at home.
The goal is to enable teachers and software to deliver more personalized content to students, to boost their technology skills, and to empower them to do more complex and creative work. In a 1-to-1 laptop environment, the school embraces a model of constructive learning, which favors teaching students how to figure out something over teaching them to remember something.
Altamont's online 1-to-1 laptop Program is managed by LaptopSchools.com.
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1-to-1 Laptop Program Q & A
- Why should we have a 1-to-1 Laptop Program at Altamont?
- How does Altamont implement this technology in the classroom?
- Does Altamont have the necessary resources (staff, training, infrastructure) in place to make this program successful?
- Will all students be required to have a laptop?
- Can my student use a laptop from home?
- Can we rent a laptop from the school?
- Will the cost of the laptop be part of our enrollment contract?
- How much will the laptop cost and what type of laptop will it be?
- When will my student receive a laptop?
- What type of training will students and parents receive on how to use and care for the laptop?
- What happens if the laptop breaks or is stolen?
- How often will laptops be updated?